Brief Update

Its been a crazy couple of months between being sick the last several weeks, and binge-playing the new Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, I haven’t had time to do any updates here. Below are some brief updates.

Family Update:
My daughter graduated Cum Laude with a B.A. English Education from Franciscan University of Steubenville on May 13. Lila Rose gave the commencement address. I made her a quilt in the school colors using the Ohio Star Block. This was a complete suprise since I have even kept quiet on here about it. I’ll post later once I am able to put together the page with pictures.

I started getting sick due travel exhaustion and stress, the heavy spring pollen and the smoke from the Canadian Wildfires. Nasal flushing and chirorpractic adjustments help, but not enough. I went to the doctor’s last Tuesday (May 30) thinking I might have a sinus and/or ear infection. Turns out my left ear has been clogged with hardened earwax. At the doctor’s they did a full treatment of flushing and trying to scrape it out, but to no avail. Been using Debrox with little to no discernible improvement for over a week now – glad I have a follow up appointment coming up on Monday (June 12). Maybe the Debrox has been working enough to have them get it out.

Sewing Update:
The only completed project has been my daughter’s graduation quilt. I did finish the Spangled quilt top with borders and I did complete a second quilt top based on the Windmill 3 Yard Quilt pattern – this will be a gift quilt so no spoilers. Will post once it has been given. Had my sewing machine serviced while we were traveling for graduation. I picked it up, but since I haven’t been well, I have yet to turn it on since it was serviced.

Sewing Room Update:
Room is mostly painted, just need to paint the baseboards, which have been removed, and get them reinstalled. The flooring is mostly done, waiting on 1 more box of tiles to finish the closet floor. Turns out that this type of flooring with tongue and groove snap together installation has more waste with partial/cut tiles and the installers were 2 tiles short in finishing the floor, and the closet was the best place to leave the gap. Now to get curtains back up so it is not so echo-y. Most of the furniture is back in. We are creating a large 40×60 cutting table, using short bookcases as the legs and a piece of 3/4″ pine hardwood as the base. We have a second piece of the 3/4″ pine hardwood as the top, but still figuring out how to put some uprights in between to raise the table height and give some more storage space (basing this off of the table Rob Appell has in his home studio – screenshot below taken from the beginning of this video). Pictures of completed room to come in a later post.


4 thoughts on “Brief Update

  1. I’m sorry to hear about the ear problems… Kath had an infected ear drum herself and there was a reaction after she saw the doctor. I’m sorry that all that traveling did you in, but that’s all behind you now.

    It’s encouraging to hear the progress on the sewing room though.


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